Chemical innovation involves the development of new and improved chemical products, processes, and materials. Creative Engineers play a crucial role in driving chemical innovation, as we are responsible for designing and implementing the technologies and systems necessary to produce these new chemical solutions.
A small-scale preliminary study conducted to evaluate feasibility, time, cost, scaling factors, unpredicted results, further develop a process, etc. in order to properly design and implement a full-scale commercial process.
The permanent upsizing of a pilot scale or bench scale process into a batch or continuous production system.
The testing of materials, methods, or chemical processes on a small scale such as on a laboratory worktable or inside a lab hood or glovebox.

Chemical Innovation
Bench Scale
One or more experiment stations
Bench or glove-box size
One or two experimenters
Investment up to $100K
Focus on confirming technology or process
Pilot Scale
Includes build, operate, revise
Owned, leased, or host space
Small team of technology specialists
Investment $100K to $2M
Focus on safe + economical scale up
Commercial Scale
Includes build and early production
Permanent space or long term lease
Full staffing plan
Investment of $1M and up
Focus on construction and production
Bench Scale
Project Charter and success criteria
Prelim. R&D done and shared with team
Investment plan for all Stages
Identify IP protection needs
Resources are aligned
Pilot Scale
Bench Scale success proven
Bench Scale issues addressed
Investment Plan has continued support
Goals and success criteria defined
Resources ready for extended operations
Commercial Scale
Pilot or Bench Scale success achieved
Complete data package ready
Investment plan supported
Commercial Scale reporting plan done
All material logistics in place
Activities and Goals
Bench Scale
PDCA methodology of experiments
Stakeholder Communication Plan
Focus activities to support Project Charter
Gather evidence of success
Complete Lessons Learned
Pilot Scale
Design, build, operate new pilot system
Nurture new and existing stakeholders
ID early adopters for Commercial Scale
Begin Product Marketing Plan
Complete Lessons Learned
Commercial Scale
Design, build, operate production system
Production plan closely monitored
Cater to early adopters to gather feedback
Gather production and Q/C feedback
Monitor and report on production costs
Bench Scale
Main innovator very involved
“All Hands on Deck” attitude
Identify/Secure 3rd party resources
Bench Scale facility requirements
Pilot Scale
Funding for operating, decommissioning, and disposition of waste
Resources for extended operations/activities
Confirm 3rdparty resources and raw materials
Pilot Scale facility requirements
Commercial Scale
Secure competent resources
ID org. resources including production and maintenance
Secure funding for all facets of this stage
Commercial Scale facility requirements
Bench Scale
Establish and use Risk Register
Monitor expenses vs. budget
Evaluate safety risks for novel processing
Stick to Stakeholder Communication Plan
Have reserves for cleanup or deviations
Pilot Scale
Use proper Hazard Assessment Techniques
Secure good documentation in all areas
Use Change Management Process
Protect IP with procedures and documents
Agree on production limits of this scale
Commercial Scale
Use proven methods for Project Approach
Risk identification expands to supply chain, competition, early adopters
Start maintenance and sustaining plans
Invest in sales, marketing, and early adopters
Stakeholder Needs
Bench Scale
Well-documented success criteria
Convey risks and mitigation plans
Utilize Project Charter for alignment
Report frequently on expenses and results
Educate on CEI/Implementation Framework for Chemical Innovation (IFCI) process
Pilot Scale
Well-documented success criteria
Continue risk awareness activities
Report frequently on schedule, expenses, results both positive and negative
Commercial Scale
Well-documented success criteria
Utilize the expanded Stakeholder Communication Plan
Report according to Commercial Scale Reporting Plan