Bench Scale Engineering
What is meant by “bench scale”?
Bench scale refers to the testing of materials, methods, or chemical processes on a small scale, such as on a laboratory worktable or inside a lab hood or glovebox.
Materials may be measured in a few grams to several hundred grams.
The typical objective is to verify that the process can be safely performed and yield the desired product.
Overcoming the most basic challenges in the road from concept to full-scale implementation is a key objective.
Quality and efficiency are usually not overriding concerns at this stage.​
What can Creative Engineers, Inc. provide to accomplish the bench scale criteria noted above?
We are highly motivated and experienced chemical and mechanical research and development (R&D) engineers and chemists.
We have instrumentation, automation, and electrical engineering talent, including experience with PLC, data acquisition and SCADA systems.
CEI’s facility can handle hazardous materials.
We utilize a cooperative customer approach.
Our staff is willing and eager to tackle tough challenges.
We make good use of the tools and equipment we have accumulated over many years.
How does an innovator with an idea or concept work with Creative Engineers Inc. to develop a bench scale–development program?
Assemble a team with the necessary skills.
Conduct research into the product or process to understand what defines success.
Ensure that safety and compatibility issues are reviewed and understood and define safeguards to ensure success.
Develop an understanding of the staffing, facilities, utilities and services required to implement the program.
Develop a design for the test apparatus or equipment required.
Find company and/or facility that can provide the support and services required.