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Physical Properties of NaK

Eutectic composition

77.8 wt.% K

Melting point

-12.6 °C

Boiling point

785 °C (estimate)

Volume increase on melting


Density (liquid)

m.p. - 0.875 g/cm³

20°C - 0.867 g/cm³

100°C - 0.855 g/cm³

550°C - 0.749 g/cm³

Viscosity (liquid)

m.p. - 1.3 cP

20°C - 0.94 cP

100°C - 0.505 cP

550°C - 0.176 cP

Electrical resistivity (liquid)

m.p. - 33.5 µΩcm (estimate)

20°C - 38.0 µΩcm (estimate)

100°C - 40.7 µΩcm (estimate)

550°C - 72.0 µΩcm (estimate)

Thermal conductivity (liquid)

20°C - 0.218 W/cm-°C

100°C - 0.232 W/cm-°C

550°C - 0.262 W/cm-°C

Specific heat (liquid)

m.p. - 0.233 cal/g-°C

20°C - 0.232 cal/g-°C

100°C - 0.224 cal/g-°C

550°C - 0.208 cal/g-°C

Source: Sodium-NaK Engineering Handbook, Volume 1
Note: Creative Engineers takes no responsibility for the accuracy of this information.
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